Edita Pieha

Edita Pieha (Singer), born on July 31, 1937 in Noyelles-sous-Lens, France. Edita Pieha's age 81 years & Zodiac Sign Leo, nationality Russian (by birth) & Race/Ethnicity is White. Let's check, How Tall is Edita Pieha?

Edita Pieha Bio

  • Birth Name:Edita Pieha
  • First Name: Edita
  • Last Name: Pieha
  • Age: 81 years
  • Birth Date: July 31, 1937
  • Birth Place: Noyelles-sous-Lens, France
  • Country: France
  • Nationality: Russian
  • Birth/Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Feet/Shoe Size: N/A
  • Dress Size: N/A
  • Edita Pieha Height

    5 ft 9 in (174 cm/)

    Height & Weight
    Height (in Feet-Inches)5 ft 9 in
    Height (in Centimeters)174 cm
    Height (in Meters)
    Weight (in Kilograms)65 kg
    Weight (in Pounds)143 lbs

    Edita Pieha Body Measurements

    Edita Pieha's full body measurements are .

    Body Measurements

    Edita Piekha is a Russian singer and actress of Polish descent. She was the third popular female singer, after Klavdiya Shulzhenko and Sofia Rotaru, to be named a People’s Artist of the USSR . Edita Piekha is a well known public activist for humanitarian causes, and is a supporter of orphanages in Russia. Edita Piekha was born in Noyelles-sous-Lens, France, in 1937, into an ethnic Polish family. Her father was Stanisław Piecha, a mining worker, and her mother was Felicja Korolewska. From 1945 to 1955 Edita Piekha lived in Boguszów, Poland with her mother and stepfather. There she studied music, sang with a choir, and excelled in Russian at her school, graduating at the top of her class. In 1955, Edita Piekha moved to Leningrad to study psychology on a state scholarship. From 1955 to 1957 she attended A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University . There she met composer and pianist Aleksandr Bronevitsky. Together they formed the first popular band in Russia, named Druzhba, and gave their first TV performance on New Year’s Eve, 31 December 1955, with the Polish song “Autobus czerwony” which became a popular hit in the USSR.

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