Vladimir Luxuria

Vladimir Luxuria (Politician), born on June 24, 1965 in Foggia, Italy. Vladimir Luxuria's age 53 years & Zodiac Sign Cancer, nationality Italian (by birth) & Race/Ethnicity is White. Let's check, How Tall is Vladimir Luxuria?

Vladimir Luxuria Bio

  • Birth Name:Vladimir Luxuria
  • First Name: Vladimir
  • Last Name: Luxuria
  • Age: 53 years
  • Birth Date: June 24, 1965
  • Birth Place: Foggia, Italy
  • Country: Italy
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Birth/Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Eye Color: Light brown
  • Hair Color: Light brown
  • Feet/Shoe Size: N/A
  • Dress Size: N/A
  • Vladimir Luxuria Height

    Not Known

    Height & Weight
    Height (in Feet-Inches)
    Height (in Centimeters)
    Height (in Meters)
    Weight (in Kilograms)
    Weight (in Pounds)

    Vladimir Luxuria Body Measurements

    Vladimir Luxuria's full body measurements are .

    Body Measurements

    Vladimir “Vladi” Luxuria is an Italian trans actress, writer, politician and television host. Luxuria was a Communist Refoundation Party member of the Italian parliament, belonging to Romano Prodi’s L’Unione coalition. She was the first openly transgender member of Parliament in Europe, and the world’s second openly transgender MP after New Zealander Georgina Beyer. She lost her seat in the election of April, 2008. In the 2006 general election, Luxuria was elected to the Chamber of Deputies by the Lazio 1 constituency in Rome. She lost her seat in the 2008 election. After the retirement of Beyer and Luxuria, there were no transgender MPs reported in the world, until 2011, when Anna Grodzka was elected to the Polish parliament. Luxuria moved to Rome in 1985 to study foreign languages and literature. She also began to act, notably in cabaret, and through this developed her gender ambiguity as a hallmark. Her assumed surname, Luxuria, means lust in Latin. She earned her first acting credit in Cena alle nove by Paolo Breccia in 1991; and began organizing parties and gay pride events, becoming director of the Muccassassina, the self-financing party of the Circle of homosexual culture Mario Mieli. She organized Italy’s first pride festival, in Rome on June 2, 1994, which attracted some ten thousand people. From 2001 to 2003 she toured Italian theatres with the musical Emotions co-starring with Sabrina Salerno and Ambra Angiolini.

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